Product Description:
VSuite Ramdisk is a simple-to-use solution for hard-disk bottleneck issue. It employs smart software algorithm, which effectively and efficiently simulates existing RAM as a hard disk. Because the speed of RAM is so much faster than most kinds of storage, this greatly sppeds up your computer with reduced access time to files, which in turn, shows a huge improvement in overall performance.
Because of the volatility of RAM, VSuite Ramdisk provides lots of image features to permenantly store/restore data to/from non-volatile media.
VSuite Ramdisk, in addition provides solution for the well-known "4GB RAM in 32-bit Windows" issue, thereby allowing all of its installed RAM to be fully utilised.
VSuite Ramdisk is widely used in a lot of regions, especially in the areas such as network servers, 2D/3D designs or mass data processing systems.
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